It would pay farmers to plough up the scrub and plant wheat. 它会出钱雇农民开垦这块低矮丛林来种植麦子。
Players are given a patch of ground with six fields," cash", a few seeds and a plough and have to build up wealth, skills and neighbours to create bigger, better, richer farms. 玩家一片有六块田的土地、“现金”、几粒种子和一把犁杖,积累财富、技能,并网络邻居,来建设更大、、更富农场。
As the sombre wheels of the six carts go round, they seem to plough up a long crooked furrow among the populace in the streets. 这六辆车的阴沉的轮子旋转着,似乎在街上的人群中犁出了一条弯弯曲曲的沟畦。
Two oxen yoked to a plough walked wearily up and down the field. 两头被套上犁的公牛在地里吃力地来回耕地。
In parts of Northern France, farmers still plough up shell fragments, weapons and equipment. 在法国北部一些地方,农民犁地仍可犁出弹片,武器和装备。